Thursday, December 29, 2005

When Pijus met Woody... again.... this time in Barcelona!

Amazing, amazing, amazing !!! I just got home from the great concert by Woody Allen and his New Orleans Jazz Band at the Palau de la Música. Two hours of good music and lots of passion! I saw it clear tonight, just when Mr.Allen was standing there, in the platform, looking at the absolutely submited audience, who couldn't stop clapping their hands, just looking at us, putting his hand over his heart and sending kisses everywhere while he was saying: "thanks for have been a wonderful audience...hope to see you soon in Barcelona again..." . He really didn't want to finish the show, he was very comfortable up there, talking to us and, first seated down and later standing up while feeling the rhythm, playing his clarinet.
As I was saying.... I saw it clear: He loves us and we love him!!! This is a corresponded love!!!
We also hope to see you soon round here, Mr.Allen.....and if it's possible, filming your 2006's film project: Midnight in Barcelona!
Thanks for a wonderful night!

Palau de la Música, Barcelona

Woody Allen in Barcelona

Woody Allen in Barcelona

Woody Allen in Barcelona

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

When Pijus met Woody

Well, after a long time I'm finally able to show the whole world the shots that demonstrate that I met Woody Allen in New York in September 2005. I went to see him at the Carlyle Café, where he was playing the clarinet with his New Orleans Jazz Band, for 50 $ (dinner not included).
After the show, I could touch him, he looked and smiled at me and signed my New York's guide (picture of the guide coming soon....).
Funnily enough, tomorrow I'm going to the Palau de la Música to see him again playing jazz, but this time I'm paying a little bit more (90 €!) and I won't be as near as I was in New York!!! But anyway... I'm really excited about it! I'll try to make some pics tomorrow, too, but meanwhile.....enjoy this brief selection!

Woody Allen and his New Orleans Jazz Band Woody Allen and his New Orleans Jazz Band

Woody Allen !!! Woody Allen!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to everyone there !!!!

Well...maybe it's a bit late, but I haven't been at home the whole day... I just got in now, in time to say...


BON NADAL !!!!!!




Yeah, I know....a little bit gay, right...? ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I'm down... come and cheer me up!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas rock house....!!!

Quan veig coses com aquesta, em venen certes ganes de deixar la ciutat i comprar una casa a les afores, per motius evidents! (Però tranquils, que se'm passa de seguida!)
Post especialment dedicat al meu amic MiJuan, un tio muy jevi! ;) Ésta podría ser la casa de tus sueños, quizás....?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

De momento, no voy a gastarme la vida contigo...

Una cançó preciosa...


Yo soy quien te quiere, quien mas te ha querido
Quien dio 80 vueltas al mundo contigo...
Yo soy tu otra parte, tu medio latido
Tu cuarto creciente, tu nido de amor

....Si tu no me quieres, alla tu contigo
Si no me has querido, peor para vos
Yo sigo queriendo donde nos quisimos
Donde dibujamos aquel corazón...

Dibujamos aquel corazón , un verano en el río
Dibujamos aquel corazón , con tu nombre y el mio
En invierno quisimos volver
Y aprendí que la tiza no escribe en el frío...
Dibujamos aquel corazón
Y el invierno ha dejado un borrón...
Es absurdo querer subrayar lo que borra el olvido
De momento..... No voy a gastarme la vida contigo...

Me quedo el reinado de tus sentimientos
Asi te lo digo... Asi te lo cuento....
El medio...el principio y el fin de tus cuentos.
Se escribe con tinta de mi corazón

....Si tu no me quieres, alla tu contigo..
Si vas a olvidarme peor para vos...
Saber que quererse no obliga al suicidio
No impide que acabes muriendo de amor

Dibujamos aquel corazón , un verano en el río
Dibujamos aquel corazón , con tu nombre y el mio
En invierno quisimos volver
Y aprendí que la tiza no escribe en el frío..
Dibujamos aquel corazón
Y el invierno ha dejado un borrón...
Es adsurdo querer subrayar lo que borra el olvido
De momento... No voy a gastarme la vida contigo

Thursday, December 08, 2005

My all-time-friend Annie...

Just ara, després d'haver escoltat el Cd dels Eurythmics Ultimate Collection que fa poc em vaig baixar amb l'ajuda de l'e-mule, he posat a l'equip de música un gran disc; un que vaig comprar crec que després del que va ser el meu, per ara, últim estiu a Menorca (i d'això ja fa uns dos estius, aproximadament....) i que és, per a mi, un dels treballs més complets que ha caigut mai a les meves mans. Estic parlant de Bare, l'última feina en solitari (sense comptar el seu gra de sorra a l'aventura del Peter Jackson, El Señor de los Anillos) de la gran Annie Lennox.
Un gran disc, ple de cançons conmovedores, de sentiments a flor de pell, de coses dites pel seu nom, de cors trencats, de moments baixos, de desenganys, frustacions i solitud. Tot cantat per aquella exquisida veu que, tant al costat del Dave Stewart durant la seva etapa als Eurythmics, com ara en solitari, enfrontant-se tota sola al mon, ha format (i espero que ho continuï fent durant molts anys) part de la banda sonora de la nostra vida, amb aquella puresa vocal i aquell timbre tan característic de l'escocesa. No recomenaré cap cançó en especial, ja que totes elles són precioses i dignes de ser escoltades amb tranquilitat, mentre s'asaboreix una tassa de cafè o te o simplement mentre es contempla la ciutat des de la comoditat que proporciona un bon sofà, però ara sí me'n puc estar d'incloure un fragment d'un dels tracks del disc, Loneliness:

But you keep me here
Like a cancelled flight
An empty train
Running through the night
An orphan child
A broken shoe
and I'm still down here
Looki' out for you
Are you there for me?
'Cause I'm here for you

He de reconèixer que aquestes estrofes sempre m'emocionen, des de la primera vegada que les vaig escoltar (perquè....qui no s'ha sentit mai així...?) ... i no parlo d'aquells dies baixos en què et poses cançons tristes per intentar sentir-te millor (o per treure-ho tot de dins, segons com es miri....), sinó en condicions normals (...i què és normal....? doncs són aquelles situacions en què no analitzes la teva realitat individual i simplement et dediques a viure....sense aprofundir en les teves veritat no canvia, les coses segueixen sent com són, però al no pensar-hi, no n'ets conscient i sembla que els fils enredats deixin pas a un ordre quadriculat on tot està on ha de ser...tot i que no sigui així....). En definitiva, si encara no heu gaudit del seu treball, jo us recomanaria que no triguéssiu més temps i l'aconseguíssiu, ja sigui pels conductes que sigui (botigues de música, top-manta -ai, no, que està multat!-, e-mule, un amic, etc.) però feu-li aquest regal a les vostres orelles i a la vostra ànima!
Ah, i no oblideu llegir la contraportada, on la mateixa autora explica el significat de la imatge de la portada i del disc en sí mateix.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

"Match Point" or...some guys have all the luck!

Ok, I finally did it! After having a very quick dinner at Flash Flash, I came back from the 70's and jumped into the cinema to see the acclaimed last Woody Allen's film with a friend of mine. I had heard really good critics about it (yeah, even from the states!) and I wasn't disappointed! The truth is that I know I saw an Allen's film because it was written down in the screen and I recognized the graphical source of the credits, but appart from it....there was no jazz, no characters in charge of give the film that touch of slightly comical humour so made of Woody, no New York background, no Woody Allen himself, no ex-wives nor children having bad relationship with the main role....and, in spite of this, you had what we could call the british Upper Side people, a cold atmosphere, cold unpredictable characters, the Opera, the Tate Modern, Ralph Lauren, a game called Tennis, the Thames and the Greek Islands. Appart from all those reasons, the narrative style and the way to develop, as much the characters as the argument itself, are not really characteristics of the New York film-maker, although the movie talks about human relationships, the ambition, the obsession, the desire of ascending, economic and professionally talking, although the price to pay had to be the own happiness, the chance, and the mechanisms that govern the human mind and that are responsibles of the way the human-beings act as they do under pressure.
Although it's true that there are certain elements quite predictable along the way (ie: the end of Nola, the diary...) the end itself is totally unpredictable... even more, after seeing the scene of the ring and the bridge, I was totally convinced that the end was going to be another one.
So...I liked the film....I really liked it, but I must complain a little bit about the main roles' work...and that's...yeah, I know she has many fans all over the world, but I'm sorry, I didn't like Scarlett Johansson (Nola Rice) nor Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Chris Wilton), just because they didn't seem very credible to knew they were you know what I mean...? but hey! this is just a personal oppinion!
So....what are you doing still seating there and reading me...? C'mon, go to see "Match Point" and enjoy it! And then.....write your own comment about it!