Sunday, December 31, 2006

Adéu 2006.....Benvingut, 2007 !

Bé....l'últim dia de l'any 2006. Se suposa que hauria de ser un dia de reflexió, d'intentar pensar en tot allò que ens ha passat, el que hem fet bé, el que no hem fet tan bé, les experiències que hem tingut, els llocs que hem descobert, els moments de felicitat viscuts, les coses que hem après....suposo que és massa llarg i ple de matissos com per resumir-ho o per intentar escriure-ho tot en una simple llista de supermercat. 365 dies es diuen ràpid, però són molts dies (i moltes nits). Ningú sap del cert com anirà el nou any que comença ni quines coses ens depara el futur, però espero que el 2007 sigui, al menys, igual o millor que aquest any que dintre de poc més de 7 hores deixarem i que l'any que ve, quan estiguem a punt d'encetar el 2008 i mirem enrera per fer balanç, aquest sigui molt positiu i ple de bons moments que ni tan sols somniàvem viure!
Un petó molt fort!

Feliç 2007 a tots!!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Statement for the singles

"There are currently 160 million single people living in Europe; 8 million of them live in Spain; and many of them, it appears, reside in Barcelona.
Singles spend more, they consume more; they enjoy a greater credit card debt and earn more air miles than their partnered-up equivalents. Singles surf the net more, they surf more, they cycle, they chat, they pause for thought; they're fitter, more socially active, more attractive than their married friends. Singles don't worry about mortgages. They rent; they move on. Singles consume.
The singleton enjoys a life of freedom that is simple to organise and fantastically addictive though, some would argue, ultimately soulless and empty. But whatever your point of view, the unargueable fact is, Barcelona is a great place in which to be a single person: clubs, shops, bars and restaurants alike cater for the increasingly, cosmopolitan singleton. Add in new phenomena such a speed dating and "singles" events, plus the cracking nightlife and, of course, the sun, sea and mountain backdrop and you have a city uniquely placed to fulfil the singleton's every desire.
And every 4 minutes, a divorce produces two more single people to add to the mix. (...)" -Singled Out

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Woody and Pijus !!!

Yay !!!

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