Pijus' diary
All about pijus. If there's anything else you want to know about me....e-mail me!
About Me
- Name: Carme Padró
- Location: Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
M'encanta fer fotos. I just love taking pictures.
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- Off to New York
- New acquisitions...
- Man wanted...submit now!
- Tot posant una rentadora...
- In memoriam
- Who am I? (according to Googlism.com)
- Just remember my name...
- Je ne suis pas là pour être aimé
- Look what my boys have done for me...!
- Has anybody seen this guy, PLEASE....?!
Take a look at these sites!
A/C's blog Así habló Il Estatore Descompresión Evolving metamorph GRANT'S 50fifty! Jurriaan Juul Mazo Pax en Cutrelandia Ripples in the pond! Schlafen Sie mit Schmetterling The Gate With no Keyhole Thousand Beautiful Things YpeTake a look at my pics at flickr!
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Now and then...movies I could watch again and again...
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." -Samuel Beckett-
Thursday, December 07, 2006
"Someday, when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you...and the way you look tonight" -Billie Holiday-
Molt bon treball de fotoshop ;-) jejeje
Es broma! Es la envidia ;-)
jejejeje! Oi que si....? He trigat 3 mesos en millorar la tècnica que vaig aprendre en el curs "La informática es fácil" del CCC, però ha valgut la pena, oi? ;)
Envidia, mucha envidia...
Vull a1quest fotoshop!!! ;)
Si no com a mínim alguns detalls de la foto (si son neures del Woody Allen millor que millor, jeje).
Per cert, el meu ordenata es va arreglar fa un parell de dies, el volia reestrenar fent un comentari del concert apoteosic del Jeff Tweedy al Auditori del Fòrum, però no em surten paraules adequades…
Cool. I saw his latest movie with Scarlet a few weeks ago. What was the occasion here?
Hello, Stefan! Nice to see you around this blog, too! :)
I also saw his last movie two weeks ago. This picture was taken during my trip to New York (see flickr for further details), after one of his jazz shows! :)
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