De battre, mon coeur s'est arrêté o "un matón de medio pelo metido a pianista"
Molt bona pel.lí les millors que he vist últimament. Aquí us deixo la sinopsi en l'idioma original, perquè practiqueu una miqueta (i perquè l'evolving pugui fer gala dels seus coneixements de la seva llengua mare!): Tom à 28 ans, et semble bien parti pour continuer à poursuivre le destin de son père, un véreux de l'immobilier. Seulement Tom a également un rêve secret : devenir un pianiste talentueux, et embrasser la fabuleuse carrière artistique de sa mère. Encouragé par une rencontre qu'il prend comme un signe du destin, Tom tente de préparer une audition sans cesser ses activités...
Cinema Renoir Floridablanca
20:25 h
Very good movie of the millions i have seem lately. Here i'm giving you the synopsis in the original language because i need to practice a little (and because evolving can see something something something!) Tom is 28 years old and somthing well something to continue pursuing destiny of someone the somthing. Only Tom something a something secret: becoming a talented pianist and embracing the fabulous artistic career that something. Something for a something something something a sign of your destiny, Tom has to prepare an audition without stopping something activities...
Something, 29th of April
Cinema Renoir Floridablanca
how did i do?
jejejeje....well....what can I say....? French is not my strong point, either! ;-)
Hey Pijus!
In fact, my mother tongue isn't french; I'm from Vlaanderen (a.k.a. Flanders, Flandes, Flandres...), where dutch (or flemish, according to some people, even though my parents say that's nonsense...) is spoken, as in The Netherlands. The use of some words, but mainly the accent, the way of speaking, may be quite different between Flanders and The Netherlands, though... Even to the point that sometimes I have difficulty understanding some (even most) dutch people, at least during the first five or ten minutes of conversation...
Here's my version:
"Tom is 28 years old, and looks quite "fated" to follow his father's career, a "something" (please lend me the word, Aaron; thanks!) of the immobiliary mafia (allow me to use this word, also; and allow me to write it without quotes, too; thank you!).
But Tom has a secret desire: to become a talented pianist, and embrace the fabulous artistic career of his mother. Encouraged by a meeting he takes as a sign of destiny, Tom attempts to prepare an audition without stopping his (normal) activities..."
I guess I'll go one of those days to watch it; usually I do quite a lot like french movies; at least the ones that make it to local cinemas... And it has been a long time since I last watched one of those...
See ya!!
P.S. Pijus, it seems that my tradition still is carrying its consequences... Still more work to do. :o' (vaya "emoticón" más chungo que m'ha salío)
P.D. Si es que, como puse en mi penúltimo post, parece que no escarmiento...
P.D.2 Por cierto, ¿Alguna vez te has encontrado con que se te ha deformado una llanta de la bici y la has arreglado "in person"? Es que pretendo arreglar una que está hecha un buñuelo, con un tensador de radios, pero mucha idea no tengo... La vez que intenté algo parecido, fue peor el remedio que la enfermedad...
P.D.3 Una altra tradició sembla que no perdo (bé, de fet, més aviat en diria "afició") és la d'escriure múltiples PD's... Sorry about that! :P
A last note about "flemish":
What DOES exist in Vlaanderen is a lot of different flemish dialects of dutch... But the "standard" that is spoken on TV is dutch, according to my parents, even though some political parties want to call it different... I shouldn't talk more than that about it, since my knowledge isn't extensive...
If anyone knows more...
...Què puc dir....? Molt bona traducció, evolving! (molt millor que la de l'Aaron!) ;-)
Tens raó, ara em sembla recordar que un dia em vas comentar que el francès no era la teva llengua mare, però mira....sigo con la idea metida en la cabeza! Tot i això repeteixo que la traducció ha estat molt bé!
Sento que tinguis feina acumulada, futur BIOLEG...però pensa que la feina dignifica l'home! (què? no ajuda gaire, oi...?) ;-)
Sobre el tema de la bici....doncs per sort, no. No m'ha passat mai i espero que mai em passi. El màxim que vaig haver de patir va ser una sortida de cadena enmig de la diagonal (per sort, quan tornava cap a casa...) i ni tan sols això vaig poder arreglar jo sola, perquè la meva bici és d'aquelles antigues que tenen una part metàl.lica cobrint la zona de la cadena, així que vaig haver d'anar directe al mecànic....ho sento!
Un petó! :-)
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i may not know Catalan (or French), but i can tell when i'm being slammed!
PD: Un pedo!
Hey, Aaron!
What's up with you....?! I just said "very good translation, evolving....better than Aaron's one! ;-) " and was I OBVIOUSLY pretending you'd understand what I said! I was just joking, man! C'mon....! :-/
i know!
Isn't the similarity between petó and pedo remarkable?
Yes, IT is remarkable, indeed, as "petó" means "kiss" in catalan and "pedo"...well, I asume you know what it means! ;-)
PS: Very nice, laughing with the "j"! :-)
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