Saturday, April 01, 2006

Lazy on a Saturday afternoon...Malèvitx displays his art at the Gaudí's Pedrera

The "Malèvitx" exhibition, organised by the Caixa Catalunya foundation and commissioned by Evgenia Petrova Jean-Hubert Martin and Jean-Claude Marcader, presents 102 works of art by the Ukrainian artist (1878-1935), considered a key figure in Russian avant-garde art. The exhibition, at the Pedrera, includes paintings, drawings and pieces of arquitectons (architecture-sculpture) as will as books, showing the life and work of the artist, who was influenced at the beginning by the impressionism, symbolism and fauvism movements (1906-1910), had some neoprimitivism stages (1910-1914) and developed the suprematism (1914-1927) for ending with the return to the figurism (1924-1934). There are numerous pieces from museums such as the Russian state museum of Saint Petersburg and the Musée National d'Art Moderne-Centre Georges Pompidou, as well as pieces from private collections.

Source: Web de la ciutat de Barcelona (

Selfportrait -Kasimir Malevitx-


Blogger Evolving Metamorph said...

Hey Pijus!
Mejor tarde que nunca! Pues nada, a ver si mañana tengo un rato para ir a ver a Кассимир, si es que aún no lo han echado de la pedrera... Bueno, soy breve, que llevo rato intentando irme a cenar.
P.D. More to come...

9:26 PM  
Blogger Carme Padró said...

Hola, Evolving!
Sí, vés-hi perquè, a part que és gratuït, no està gens malament....era un tipus curiós, el Malevitx! ;) I tranquil, que crec que encara tens temps, aún no le ha llegado la hora de irse de la Pedrera.... ;) És una llàstima que a qui sí li ha arribat l'hora d'abandonar la sala d'exposicions sigui al GRAN Casas i al Toulouse-Lautrec! Però bé vols ja et deixaré els dos fantàstics llibres que em vaig comprar aquest dissabte passat sobre un dels millors pintors modernistes catalans! ;)

9:38 PM  

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