Tirititrau trau trau... Enrique Morente al Palau!
Passió espanyola, cante jondo puro y duro i fussió flamenca van eclosionar al modernista Palau de la Música de Barcelona el passat dimarts 7 de febrer de la mà d'un dels grans cantaors del nostre país, qualificat pels principals crítics i flamencòlegs com "un innovador audaç, fidel i investigador de tot allò tradicional, treballador incansable en la revitalització del seu art i posseïdor de meravelloses facultats a l'hora d'assolir en el cante, l'harmonia idònia entre cap i cor". Amb aquesta tarjeta de presentació no és d'estranyar que el Palau estigués ple de gent disposada a vibrar amb la fussió entre l'art flamenc i les composicions de García Lorca, Machado i Hernández, entre d'altres. Envoltat en tot moment de magistrals músics (especialment el percussionista; un plaer sentir-lo tocar tant el cajón com la bateria com els bombos...) i de la seva potent i sesgada veu, el maestro (com li cridaven des de les grades) Morente va deixar content tothom en un concert que va allargar-se durant més d'una hora i mitja, fent gala del seu sentit de l'humor i de la seva capacitat per apropar-se a la gent i posar-se-la a la butxaca; mantenint l'entregat públic en tensió, penjant d'un fil, en els moments en què feia sortir el seu cante més jondo, deixant-se la pell i l'ànima en cada nota que escapava de la seva laringe.
Al final, dos bisos amb el públic dempeus aplaudint i aquell bon sabor de boca que es nota en l'ambient.
Tot i que no em considero una seguidora ni del flamenc ni d'Enrique Morente, va ser una experiència molt bona...escoltar tot tipus de música i no tancar-se a res, sempre i quan es faci amb art, passió, sensibilitat i ganes, és un dels meus lei-motivs. Quan és així, es converteixen en experiències molt enriquidores i que ens ajuden a formar-nos el nostre propi criteri i el nostre bagatge socio-cultural i personal.
La Aurora de Nueva York gime.... como tú, maestro!
Al final, dos bisos amb el públic dempeus aplaudint i aquell bon sabor de boca que es nota en l'ambient.
Tot i que no em considero una seguidora ni del flamenc ni d'Enrique Morente, va ser una experiència molt bona...escoltar tot tipus de música i no tancar-se a res, sempre i quan es faci amb art, passió, sensibilitat i ganes, és un dels meus lei-motivs. Quan és així, es converteixen en experiències molt enriquidores i que ens ajuden a formar-nos el nostre propi criteri i el nostre bagatge socio-cultural i personal.
La Aurora de Nueva York gime.... como tú, maestro!
Pijus! Hola! No me conoces pero me llamo kyle y soy un amigo de grant (tambien estoy en el video de los parachutes "save me" tocando guitarra). me gusta mucho tu blog. leo y hablo castillano y un poco de catalan por eso pero, poco. solamente queria saludarte y decir que guay que gente del todo el mundo pueden communicar por internet. :-) hasta pronto
Kyle! hola! Vaya, qué dominio del castellano! Así que tú eres el de la guitarra en "Save me"? (...vaya, entonces también quiero que me firmes los sandwiches que Grant me debe! Me voy a hacer de oro!!!! Jejejje).
Sí, esto de que gente de todas partes (y partes muy alejadas....) puedan comunicarse en tiempo real es increíble!!! :-)
Me alegro de que te guste el blog!
Muchas gracias por haberte pasado por aquí y comentar!!!
Un beso!!!
Hey there! happy belated birthday once again.
I just saw your comment on the bumper sticker I saw a few months ago. I guess "stupid" was the wrong word. And I definitely understood what you were saying. Giving in to a temptation makes it no longer a temptation.
I guess the reason I disagreed is because I would like to think that there are other ways to avoid temptations other than giving in to them. To change yourself, if the temptation is really something you don't want, and to truely no longer desire it.
Either way, good topic. Hope you're doing well!
Hey, Grant! How nice seeing you around! Yes, I think we both are right....I guess it all depends on the kind of temptation we are talking about...if it's something you don't really want (are we talking about cheating on someone...?), OBVIOUSLY there are other ways to avoid temptations! ;-), but....in general terms, if there's something out there tempting you and you consider it a "temptation", it's because you like it and you feel tempted. Other way, if there's something you are not interested in, it's not really a temptation, don't you think...? Anyway, human relationships are SO difficult that it's too complicated to try to do a synthesis in four lines....and every person with its context it's a different world! ;-)
A big hug!!!
Oh, by the way...i do believe there is too many people out there who would like to have two Grants! (can one of them live in Barcelona, please....?) ;-)
Very interesting conversation about temptation. You make some very good points. I guess if you don't actually WANT something, it's not a temptation. So even if it's something bad, something you should want, but you DO want it, then it's a temptation and if you get it you actually wanted it in the first place. I guess the whole "giving in" thing makes more sense than I originally thought.
Oh, and of course one of them could live in Barcelona. Or even Catalonia.
Hi again, Grant!
Yes, we had a really interesting conversation via comment-on-post! Although I think I'm a bit Lost in Translation in this last comment you made...: "I guess if you don't actually WANT something, it's not a temptation. So even if it's something bad, something you should want, but you DO want it, then it's a temptation and if you get it you actually wanted it in the first place". Well...I was refering to the fact that something that you don't want can't be a temptation because something that tempts you has to be something you like/want/desire.
Anyway...we should think about writing a book about our deep thought's conversations! ;-)
A big hug!!!
...by the way...do you know my real name, yet...?
Despite being a bit lost in translation, your description was exactly what I meant. We should definitely write a book.
And yes, I'm pretty sure I know your real name. I found it by accident.
Hi ya!
I do about agree with what both of you comment... Something has to be desired to be a real temptation (you can also have the temptation NOT to do something, though).
However, something that isn't a temptation can become one...
What could make our minds change in such a way to make us desire something we didn't care before? Change of priorities, motivated by thepossible evolution of our personalities? Or, if more childish, let's put it this way: "I didn't want that candy, but if you would take it, I want it for myself."
That makes me bring out a question that lingers around my mind since some time: what motivates that we like or enjoy something (and not something else that other people DO like)? What's the reason for liking the things we like (or want, since that's more related with what you posted)?
Thought out no serious answers yet. Anyway, I'll think about it.
See ya around!
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